Thursday, January 29, 2009

Very interesting article, and an honour for me

As you know the world is crossing into a big economical crisis. The media is always talking about it and what they got... crisis goes deeper and deeper. Some days ago I received an article about investments that I like to share with all of you. It was written by an authority in sporting collectables Mr. Len Codella, sure you know about him, and is a big help when we start thinking about new investments at a crisis time. Here´s the article:



Well, that tears it! After losing substantial REAL money in the market over the past several months and watching my investments and my retirement savings go up in a ball of fire (without so much as the benefit of the warmth of the flames), I felt it was time to share some observations about investing in things OTHER THAN worthless paper. At the urgings of friends, associates and suppliers, I am inclined to set down a few findings I've made over the many years spent in this business. All to do with the investment side of things, so here goes:

1. I have never lost a nickel on good guns, good reels and good rods.

2. I have lost thousands on "good" stocks in declining markets.

3. High quality sporting items, in exceptional condition, always seem to appreciate in value.

4. Stocks, bonds and mutuals can quickly turn into bad toilet paper faster than you can CYA.

5. There are no real "Shooting Stars" in the sporting collectibles field, only some modest, but sure investment potentials and safe returns.

6. Fondling stock certificates ages a person.

7. Cranking a reel handle or oiling a gun keeps one young.

8. Surrounding oneself with the trappings of the Outdoors is very comforting. Almost as fulfilling as being a successful father (mother), husband (wife) friend, business person, etc. (you get the idea – fill in your own blank).

9. Finding out over time that those trappings are worth more than you paid for them is the icing on the cake.

10. Sporting equipment is not very liquid but then, liquidity is not all it is cracked up to be – especially if losses are the result of quick and easy turn-over.

11. Invest in the very best condition factor you can afford. It will always pay you back.

12. Care for your investments. Clean them. Polish them. Do not let them deteriorate over time and they will reward you even more handsomely.

13. Fine gear does not require feeding or other expensive support over time. It just sits there and appreciates as you enjoy owning and using it.

14. There is almost an illegitimate satisfaction in buying a new rod or reel, fishing with it using care for ten years and then learning that it is worth half again (or more) than the amount you originally paid for it.

15. Fine guns and fine bamboo fly rods, unlike fine wine, do not turn to vinegar over time.

16. Having a stranger admire your tackle on the stream can really make you feel good.

17. Letting them try it out makes you feel even better.

There are more bon mots, but the point of all of this is that there is more to investing in fine gear than just the money, BUT, and that is a big but, it is certainly nice to know that the money is safe, secure and not subject to the whims of super greedy people.

The pleasure of ownership of collectibles far outweighs the modest, but sure, returns they provide. There is comfort in knowing you money is safe no matter how attractive the high return that can be "earned" on a hot investment may be.


18. Always buy quality. Not only will it last, it will always pay you back.

19. On anything that may be a pure collectible; something to be put back and preserved, always remember the old real estate adage of "Location, Location Location". In collectible guns and tackle it is "Condition, Condition, Condition".

20. Try to focus on goods that have achieved a reputation for absolute quality. Products that are widely respected are that way for good reason. "Almost as good" is never good enough.

21. Whenever possible, buy new. It is easier to maintain top condition for posterity, when you start out that way.

22. Seek advice when you are unsure. A reputable dealer or manufacturer will never knowingly give you bad advice. He is reputable because he's earned the loyalty of repeat customers and will always try to insure that they continue to return.


The following is a list of guns, rods and reels to be on the lookout for:

23. Payne, Leonard, Gillum, Garrison, Edwards, Granger, Thomas, T&T, Winston, Orvis, Powell, Summers, Young, Jennings, Jenkins, Moran, Lacey, Carpenter, Thramer, Lancaster, Simroe, Nigro, Ciemiega, Taransky, Eden Cane, Scott SC, Schroeder, R.D.Taylor, Calviello, Dickerson Rods.

24. Godfrey, Peerless, Saracione, Hardy, Pate, Tibor, Fin-Nor, Abel, Hermann, Bogdan, Seamaster Reels.

25. Browning, Winchester, Remington, Fox, L.C Smith, Parker, Holland & Holland, Boss, Purdy, Beretta, Famars, Arrietta, Guerini, Fabbri, Grulla, Merkel, Perazzi Guns


1 comment:

Jay said...

Good for you my friend!